Palliative Care

Palliative Care – from early in the course of a disease or illness that isn’t curative or modifiable. Most, if not all patients at the RHN would be in this category

  • Aiming for an overlap of palliation, rehabilitation and disability management – a recognition of achieving all potential
  • Living and enjoying life to the fullest
  • Starting an Advance Care Plan (ACP) if appropriate
  • This phase can encompass an entire (normal) life span and is not defined by diagnosis, the presence or absence of symptoms, or treatments

Clinical Nurse Specialist Karen Elliott hosted a Zoom presentation on optimising end of life and terminal care at the RHN. You can view this presentation by logging in to Zoom here and using the passcode zP6KB8#Q to access the video.

See the sections below for relevant information and document links

Mental capacity

Mental capacity policy

Coming soon! Advanced decision information

Treatment Escalation Plan

Treatment Escalation Plan (TEP)

eLearning modules relating to introduction to palliative care

Coming soon! eLearning modules on our Learning Management System