RHN Workplace Mediation Service
RHN Workplace Mediation Service
In May 2021, the RHN launched an internal workplace mediation service.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is an informal process to resolve conflict at work. For example, maybe you
have disagreed with a colleague that has led to an ongoing conflict that you just can't
resolve. Mediation helps to support workplace relationships by providing a mediation
process to support you to find solutions.
RHN Workplace Mediators:
Kym Champion
Kaleb Lloyd
Amanda Dearling
Rebekah Van Slyke
Geraldine Cabida
A referral can be made by any staff member and does not have to be approved or signed off by your line manager. All referrals and mediation sessions are confidential.
Please download the form Mediation Referral if you would like to make a referral and email this to mediation@rhn.org.uk
If you have any questions or need any further information please contact any of the mediators above or email mediation@rhn.org.uk or call 6512