Electronic Patient Records (EPR) & Health Records

Welcome to the EPR & Health Records Information Page! Here you will find information about changes to parts of the EPR system, PatientSource, as well as training materials on how to navigate and use various features of EPR. This is also where updates to Health Records Policies and Practices are published. Click on the link on the RIGHT to access the PatientSource EPR system using your RHN username and password, or click Direct Link to PatientSource

Important Update: Simplification of Ward Folder Storage on the L: Drive (Groups) – Wednesday 04 December

We are simplifying the storage of ward folders on the L: Drive (Groups). Currently, these folders are split between Hospital and Home. From tomorrow, Wednesday 04 December at 12pm, all ward folders will be moved into a single central location called “All Wards”. This change only applies to staff that have access to these folders. Key Details: If you have any questions,… Instructions

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Forms in PatientSource

List is accurate as of 09 Nov 2023. List will be updated monthly. All other forms should be held in the Clinical Forms Index to be downloaded for use and attached to PatientSource when complete. If you are using a form that is not in PatientSource or the Clinical Forms Index please inform the Health… Instructions

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If you have any questions or comments about PatientSource or EPR at RHN, please contact the EPR Project Team on ext 5306. Please log all issues to the helpdesk.