Bed Management Changes
We have made some changes to Bed Management to make it easier for Wards to transfer patients. See below for details of the changes to the system
1. On the bed move and bed swap pages, the date no longer defaults to today to ensure we are always adding the correct date.
2. In the Actions menu, discharge is relabelled to Discharge (from the RHN). This is to discourage use for internal admissions/discharges.
3. In the Move Patient to an Empty Bed screen there is now a list of referrals that are awaiting admission for the selected patient:
a. If the user selects one then a discharge and admission are created for the user behind the scenes. The referral is updated to Admitted status.
b. If the user does not select one, the referral is processed as a move with no discharge or admission record being created.
4. In either case of 3, a “Bed Move” record is created.
a. This stores what happened and drops into a new Admin menu list.
b. An email is sent to the Admissions team advising them that a move has been made and linking them to the list of moves.
c. The list has 2 buttons, “Confirm” which drops the record from the list and “Convert / Revert”.